Our Mission

We exist to break down the genre divide amongst gamers by allowing their actions in independent games to contribute to a cohesive virtual world.

Trey Wheeler Lord Warenth Shaeyata Many Hats The ancient ruler of Ultima now leads a company of devout followers in their quest to build a new kingdom and claim their place amongst the lords of the realm. Ever fair of hand, he strives to create a kingdom where all will share in its riches. Through sheer force of will he crafts a new realm dedicated to the most pure of intentions; a place where all will feel at home and any can pursue their dreams. Dreamer | Designer | Developer
Roy McGregor Development Dragon Game Developer With unrelenting fervor, Roy delivers. His cocky demeanor is only surpassed by his passion for making things fair. As a proponent of sweat and beer, Roy works hard and plays hard. A veteran of SOCOM and League of Legends, Roy aspires to make competitive and immersive worlds. Gamer | Developer | Sniper
Your Name Kickin' Butt Takin' Names Creativity unleashed, you love games, want to build them, and can't wait to join us on our adventure. Intelligent | Creative | Passionate

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