So I told Roy it was his turn to write a monthly and he replied:
"We…. did stuff!"
While short and sweet, and timely for that matter, it doesn’t quite convey what's gone down. So let’s break down “stuff”.
Team Assemble
Our favorite announcement this month is the addition of two new talented people to the team: Devon and Will! We met both of them at the Austin Game Conference last month and have been able to tempt them to the daemonic side of life. Devon, a junior producer, will be helping us refine our processes as well as applying her quill to world building. While Will, a multi-talented artist, is assisting us with developing the look of the Daemonverse. Will has already produced a weapon for the healer, which is being added into the game as I type:
Ability Development
We outlined all the animations for the new fire abilities and began the motion capture process on some of them.
Additionally Roy has added the ability to remove a character from the game for a period of time, preventing all damage or healing from and to that character. Currently one ability can do that: Daemon Fire. This is a sword and fire cross class ability that has a long casting time and if successfully cast will have an in game cinematic presentation; making it the first ability to do so. I’m excited to work on this challenge! :) Daemon Fire isn’t the only ability Roy has finished coding, Emblaze and Immolation are also awaiting an artistic touch.
Lastly, we had a major refactoring on ability server to client communication. Previously all of our abilities had a set of standard phases they went through and communication was constrained to key phase changes. This afforded us some convenience, as the ability developer didn’t have to write communication code on phase change, but ultimately was confining. Now our abilities have the ability to send a custom message to the client giving the ability developer the freedom to do something unique with each ability. Y’know, like when the fire mage casts combust we can find out who went KA-BOOM!
'til next time Daemons,
Change Log:
- Stuff