Rumble Runners of Feldryn

The Watchman's Tale

The watchman wearily climbs the well worn stairs to peer into the darkness. For two years he has taken the same familiar path; walked the same stone stairs; and stared into the vast and empty darkness. His job is to watch for some sign of life. Something that would indicate that they are still out there. It has been years since he, or anyone, has seen any sign that they would return. Years of waiting for something, anything, anything except this putrid darkness. But this night is different. This time he stares in disbelief. This time it is not the vast empty darkness. This time he sees, The Daemon Legion has arrived...

The Tale Begins

Welcome back and please forgive the long wait. With this new post Daemon Games is thrilled to be releasing our first game, Rumble Runners of Feldryn. The game is an endless runner and is available for early alpha testing on Google Play. In it you will search the ways for intelligence that will serve your order. Racing through the ruins of an ancient civilization you avoid obstacles and traps, dodge guards and smash through barriers in a maddening race to protect the realm.

A little over six months ago we started a new project. This project would use all the same assets as Project Lilith but would have a shorter delivery time. Where Project Lillith is geared to be a larger RPG, Rumble Runners is more pragmatic in scale and will support our future ambitions. Rumble Runners is the first of the Feldryn series.


Version 0.11 was released for early alpha testing in late March. Version 0.32 is available now and includes the following enhancements:

  • In-game tutorial for coaching players on how to play.
  • A new loading screen with action hints and game play hints.
  • Each vigor upgrade now gives you 1 extra health for a total of 5.
  • Adjusted costs for upgrades.
  • New sounds for player actions.
  • Major improvements to load times.
  • Adjustable volume for (Master, Sound Effects, and Music)
  • Less wait time when returning to running from the score screen.
  • Improved frame rate while running.
  • Fix a bug where the player dipped below the camera.
  • Adjustments to player health and damage taken.
  • Lots of small bug fixes in game play to provide a much improved player experience.

We sincerely appreciate everyone who has shown an interest in the game and in Daemon Games. We apologize for the lack of updates from us. We will make a dedicated effort to try and keep you informed on what is happening. To that end we are looking for a Community Coordinator that can assist us with keeping you updated. If you are interested, drop us a line on our website.

...and we'll see you in Feldryn...