Rumble Runners v0-39 Released

Warenth's Commision

He sat astride his charger. A young officer of the corp. He only recently received his first commission and his thoughts of assuming command consumed him. The morning sun streamed through the trees, warming him as he rode. The beautiful morning, the brisk air and the scent of spring flowers lifted his mood. Even his horse's steps somehow felt lighter. His training was thorough and he felt prepared to take on the world. He was legion and nothing would stand in his way. He knew he was drawing near his destination. New Elenia should be just around that curve and his excitement grew as he drew nearer.

His horse stopped of its own accord as he rounded the turn. His heart sank. The world grew darker. Everything felt a little bit colder. He stared at the castra in ruins. Crumbling walls whose fallen stones filled the overgrown paths. Peasant shacks scattered about. Some were mere lean-tos pitched against the castra wall. It all added to his overwhelming feeling of despair. These ruins could not be his destination.

Recalling that day actually brought a smile to his face as looked over what New Elenia had become. The walls had been rebuilt. The shacks were replaced with houses for the peasants. Shops had been built and even a new place of worship for those who prayed to the old gods. The buildings were arranged in an efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner. A new outer wall was built to protect the town. Trade with the neighboring towns and villages was improved. Where once a broken, nearly abandoned, castra stood, now was a thriving village full of life.

But his true pride came from the improvement of his troops. Every daylight hour that was not spent on repairs was spent on training. They drilled from sun up to sun down. They trained until every move was pure reflex. They trained until their swords seemed to move of their own accord as if the weapon was anticipating the soldiers' needs.

Warenth smiled as he heard the news from the old timer. He knew they were ready. He knew they would stand tall where others had failed. He would face down the demon horde and come out victorious. He was legion and nothing would stand in his way.

All New Level Generation

For a while we had felt that the level generation was a little too heavy handed for the early game player. We found there were a lot of early, sudden, and unavoidable deaths for characters who had yet to unlock bash or dash. Additionally, we felt that taking the more difficult path was often less rewarding. This led us to be a little more intentional with our level design.

Another change that prompted a review of our level generation was the inclusion of new terrain and interactables. Let's take a look!

New Terrain: Rivers, Caves, and Skylands

My favorite part of this update is the inclusion of rivers. I love the visual contrast and generally happy feels I get from the rich blue water.

Watch your step through, if you slip into the river you'll find yourself wading through, upsetting the pace of your run. We plan to also reset your bolton gauge upon getting it wet.

You'll see various caves throughout Feldryn now. My only advice is to watch your head.

These perplexing land masses, known as Skylands, will be found at higher speeds.

In the future we expect all of these terrain options to be based on where you are in the world of Feldryn. Travel will play an important role, and your adventures should be vast and varied!

New Interactables: Breakaway Floors and Jump Pads

Reach new heights with these uplifting jump pads. :o

Want what is beneath? Make sure and fast fall into these wooden floors to break through.

Visuals Reworked to Improve Legibility


Through playtesting it became apparent that players found the levels difficult to read at a glance. So we made a concerted effort to create visual distinction between what you should be focusing on and the general decor.

One of the concerns identified was just how easily the foreground could blend into the background. This was mostly due to a similar color being used for trees, brick trim, and wood planks. To help resolve this, we've made trees white while emphasizing the color red where there are threats. We feel this has helped make the game easier to read, especially at high speeds.


Added Mini-Quests

Another feature we're bringing to your run: Mini-quests.

These are micro goals to reach for in the middle of a run, if accomplished will provide a burst of gold. If you've unlocked dash or bash, you'll find quests to slay guards or break down barricades respectively.

We hope all of the above features provide a little more variety to each run.


Oh! I shan't forget. We have spun up a subreddit to be an avenue for players to connect with the team and each other.
Come join us!

Patch Notes

  • New Terrain: Rivers and Skylands
  • New interactables: Breakaway Floors and Jump Pads
  • All new level generation
  • Visuals Reworked to Improve Legibility
  • Added Mini-Quests
  • Ongoing improvements to collision performance and reliability

...and we'll see you in Feldryn...
Bud and Trey